Farms and Businesses

Free Solar Quote

Reach out now for your free initial consultation on solar panel design, installation, and maintenance.


Exercise stewardship with renewable energy, reduce operating expenses, and achieve energy independence.


Why Should A Business or
Farm Install A Solar System?

Financial: Solar is an investment that in most cases pays a better rate of return than other investments. Renewable energy insulates a business against escalating energy costs, which continue to rise every year at about 6%.

Environmental Stewardship: Move closer to achieving your sustainability goals by branding your company as ‘green’ and connecting your values to your customers, employees, and suppliers.

Incentives: Invest back into your business using various incentives. There is currently a 30% tax credit, with a potential of 10% more. In addition, a solar system can be depreciated like any other piece of equipment. A number of grants can be applied for.

Insulation Against Utility Anarchy: Solar can help to mitigate the effects of utilities frequently changing rates, including when they charge higher seasonal rates and rates based on usage during a particular time of day, often referred to as peak rates.

Financing Options: There are a number of options to finance a solar energy project. Click here to learn about your financing options.

Contact us today for a free in person consultation to work through an energy strategy for your business or farm. We take the time to educate so you can determ if solar, wind, and / or energy storage systems are wise investments for your business or farm.

Quick Payback

Typically it takes six years for payback of initial costs on commercial solar systems and could be as low as 3 years.

Return on Investment

The ROI from solar easily out-performs the stock market.


30% Investment Tax Credit. Accelerated depreciation. Grant opportunities.

Increased Property Value

Solar adds $4.00 per watt installed to property value.

Become Energy Independent

Produce your own power. Help reduce U.S. dependence on imported fossil fuels.

Exercise Stewardship

Be green, brand green, and save green.

Feel Freeto contact us

Contact us for your solar panel system quote.

The future of renewable energy is bright. Let us help you bring your residence, business, agricultural or industrial property into a world of sustainability and profitability.

We consult, design, engineer, and install solar panels for residential, commercial, agricultural, industrial, and non-profit sectors.